Tomoe 2021 Year End Stock Take Notice
Dear Valuable Customers and Suppliers
Please be informed that we have scheduled our year end stock take on 29 Dec and 30 Dec 2021
(Wednesday and Thursday).
We would like to seek your kind understandings that our operation will cease functions during the
stock take period, from 29 Dec to 30 Dec 2021, where last delivery requests are to be sent in by
21 Dec 2021 (Tuesday), our latest delivery date is on 22 Dec 2021 (Wednesday).
After stock take, our company will cease operation from 31 Dec 2021 to 02 Jan 2022, our
operation shall resume on 03 Jan 2022, Monday.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused and certainly look
forward to your kind understandings and cooperation.
For further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Sales Team at 68995060.
During stock take period, any urgent issue you also may contact our person in charge as below:-
1) Mr Kelvin Leong at
2) Mr Seng Kuan Yang
Yours faithfully,
Yoshiaki Yokkaichi
Managing Director
Tomoe Valve Asia Pacific Pte Ltd